Monday, October 22, 2007

The SoCal Fires

One of the cracks that I make about Southern California is that, unlike Northern California, the south of the state tends to burst into flames every once in a while.

However, in the two years that I lived in Irvine, the fires never started up, and the only thing that the Santa Ana winds brought us was a warm summer.

This year, however, it seems like most of SoCal is aflame. I had heard about Malibu being engulfed in flame and about celebrities loosing their houses. But then I saw two things that hit the fires home for me.

First of all, the foothills above Irvine are aflame and in an area not a 10 minute drive from where I lived.
Secondly, 250,000 people have been ordered to evacuate in San Diego today. Yes you read that correctly,
Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand People!!!

Check the LA Times for more info

Thousands of firefighters are on the scene and more are probably going to be coming. Of course this is something that the California National Guard would be great for, but they, and their helicopters and probably all in Iraq now.

Oh and Glen Beck thinks that those who are loosing their homes tonight are people who hate America. Glad to see that there are still assholes out there who will make political points out of horrible tragedies like this.

So to all of my friends in Southern California: Keep safe and I hope that you and your loved ones make it out of all of this one.

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